Sponsoring IdentityServer

Brock and I have been working on free identity & access control related libraries since 2009. This all started as a hobby project, and I can very well remember the day when I said to Brock that we can only really claim to understand the protocols if we implement them ourselves. That’s what we did.

We are now at a point where the IdentityServer OSS project reached both enough significance and complexity what we need to find a sustainable way to manage it. This includes dealing with issues, questions and bug reports as well as feature and pull requests.

That’s why we decided to set up a sponsorship page on Patreon. So if you like the project and want to support us – or even more important, if you work for a company that relies on IdentityServer, please consider supporting us. This will allow us to be able to maintain this level of commitment.

Thank you!

This entry was posted in .NET Security, ASP.NET Core, IdentityServer, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Uncategorized, WebAPI. Bookmark the permalink.

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