Making the IdentityModel Client Libraries HttpClientFactory friendly

IdentityModel has a number of protocol client libraries, e.g. for requesting, refreshing, revoking and introspecting OAuth 2 tokens as well as a client and cache for the OpenID Connect discovery endpoint.

While they work fine, the style around libraries that use HTTP has changed a bit recently, e.g.:

  • the lifetime of the HttpClient is currently managed internally (including IDisposable). In the light of modern APIs like HttpClientFactory, this is an anti-pattern.
  • the main extensibility point is HttpMessageHandler – again the HttpClientFactory promotes a more composable way via DelegatingHandler.

While I could just add more constructor overloads that take an HttpClient, I decided to explore another route (all credits for this idea goes to @randompunter).

I reworked all the clients to be simply extensions methods for HttpClient. This allows you to new up your own client or get one from a factory. This gives you complete control over the lifetime and configuration of the client including handlers, default headers, base address, proxy settings etc. – e.g.:

public async Task<string> NoFactory()
    var client = new HttpClient();
    var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
        Address = "",
        ClientId = "client",
        ClientSecret = "secret"
    return response.AccessToken ?? response.Error;

If you want to throw in the client factory – you can register the client like this:


..and use it like this:

public async Task<string> Simple()
    var client = HttpClientFactory.CreateClient();
    var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
        Address = "",
        ClientId = "client",
        ClientSecret = "secret"
    return response.AccessToken ?? response.Error;

HttpClientFactory also supports named clients, which allows configuring certain things upfront, e.g. the base address:

    client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""));

Which means you don’t need to supply the address per request:

public async Task<string> WithAddress()
    var client = HttpClientFactory.CreateClient("token_client");
    var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
        ClientId = "client",
        ClientSecret = "secret"
    return response.AccessToken ?? response.Error;

You can also go one step further by creating a typed client, which exactly models the type of OAuth 2 requests you need to make in your application. You can mix that with the ASP.NET Core configuration model as well:

public class TokenClient
    public TokenClient(HttpClient client, IOptions<TokenClientOptions> options)
        Client = client;
        Options = options.Value;
    public HttpClient Client { get; }
    public TokenClientOptions Options { get; }
    public async Task<string> GetToken()
        var response = await Client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
            Address = Options.Address,
            ClientId = Options.ClientId,
            ClientSecret = Options.ClientSecret
        return response.AccessToken ?? response.Error;

..and register it like this:

services.Configure<TokenClientOptions>(options =>
    options.Address = "";
    options.ClientId = "client";
    options.ClientSecret = "secret";

…and use it e.g. like this:

public async Task<string> Typed([FromServicesTokenClient tokenClient)
    return await tokenClient.GetToken();

And one of my favourite features is the nice integration of the Polly library (and handlers in general) to give you extra features like retry logic:

    .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.WaitAndRetryAsync(new[]

This is work in progress right now, but it feels like this is a better abstraction level than the current client implementations. I am planning to release that soon – if you have any feedback, please leave a comment here or open an issue on github. Thanks!

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6 Responses to Making the IdentityModel Client Libraries HttpClientFactory friendly

  1. Robo says:

    Love this!

    Are there any plans for a custom grant extension method? It’d be extremely useful for APIs that exchange tokens via extension grants

    Also, any thoughts on how automatic access token refresh might integrate with this approach? It’d be a shame to lose the functionality of RefreshTokenDelegatingHandler and the like.

  2. How can I now use the HttpClientFactory to make a call to a web api with the access token from the this TokenClient? Do I need to create and register a custom DelegatingHandler and inject the TokenClient and on every request set the Bearer header?

  3. Shimmy says:

    Hi and thanks for posting this wonderful stuff!
    I couldn’t find the TokenClientOptions, is that something provided as part of the IdentityModel package, or is a personal type?

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