Bootstrapping OpenID Connect: Discovery

OpenID Connect clients and APIs need certain configuration values to initiate the various protocol requests and to validate identity and access tokens. You can either hard-code these values (e.g. the URL to the authorize and token endpoint, key material etc..) – or get those values dynamically using discovery.

Using discovery has advantages in case one of the needed values changes over time. This will be definitely the case for the key material you use to sign your tokens. In that scenario you want your token consumers to be able to dynamically update their configuration without having to take them down or re-deploy.

The idea is simple, every OpenID Connect provider should offer a a JSON document under the /.well-known/openid-configuration URL below its base-address (often also called the authority). This document has information about the issuer name, endpoint URLs, key material and capabilities of the provider, e.g. which scopes or response types it supports.

Try as an example.

Our IdentityModel library has a little helper class that allows loading and parsing a discovery document, e.g.:

var disco = await DiscoveryClient.GetAsync("");

It also provides strongly typed accessors for most elements, e.g.:


..or you can access the elements by name:


It also gives you access to the key material and the various properties of the JSON encoded key set – e.g. iterating over the key ids:

foreach (var key in disco.KeySet.Keys)

Discovery and security
As you can imagine, the discovery document is nice target for an attacker. Being able to manipulate the endpoint URLs or the key material would ultimately result in a compromise of a client or an API.

As opposed to e.g. WS-Federation/WS-Trust metadata, the discovery document is not signed. Instead OpenID Connect relies on transport security for authenticity and integrity of the configuration data.

Recently we’ve been involved in a penetration test against client libraries, and one technique the pen-testers used was compromising discovery. Based on their feedback, the following extra checks should be done when consuming a discovery document:

  • HTTPS must be used for the discovery endpoint and all protocol endpoints
  • The issuer name should match the authority specified when downloading the document (that’s actually a MUST in the discovery spec)
  • The protocol endpoints should be “beneath” the authority – and not on a different server or URL (this could be especially interesting for multi-tenant OPs)
  • A key set must be specified

Based on that feedback, we added a configurable validation policy to DiscoveryClient that defaults to the above recommendations. If for whatever reason (e.g. dev environments) you need to relax a setting, you can use the following code:

var client = new DiscoveryClient("http://dev.identityserver.internal");
client.Policy.RequireHttps = false;
var disco = await client.GetAsync();

Btw – you can always connect over HTTP to localhost and (but this is also configurable).

Source code here, nuget here.

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